Register for your IELTS exam with DMUK

Our experienced staff have taught all over the world and have extensive knowledge of the current best practices for teaching English within an academic context, so you can be sure that you are receiving the very highest standard of English language tuition.

IELTS is the most widely taken English examination worldwide and is the most accepted international English proficiency test by English-medium universities around the world, recognised by over 11,000 international organisations.

Authorised British Council IELTS Registration Centre

De Montfort University Kazakhstan is an authorised British Council IELTS registration centre. As an official partner of the British Council, you can register for your IELTS exam through us, prepare for the exam on one of our world class IELTS preparation courses at the DMUK campus, and finally take the exam with the British Council confident that you will achieve your best possible score

Register for IELTS

    Contact Us
    • +7 727 339 00 90 (Admissions)
    • +7 700 339 00 90 (Admissions)
    • +7 771 500 55 77 (WhatsApp)
    • (General Enquiries)
    • (Admissions)
    • Almaty City, Medeu District, 120/48, premises 4, Al-Farabi Ave., 050044, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan
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